Sunday, June 28, 2009

On My Way

The last 30 hours or so have been possibly the most exciting hours I have experienced in a while. I did not do anything particularly remarkable. In fact, I barely did anything at all. But I made a plan – one I have been thinking about for a while – and it has energized me. As I mentioned in my first blog, if there is one thing that my life has been missing, it is a creative outlet. That was the reason that I started this blog and it is the reason that last night, I began to write a novel.

Now, I won’t pretend that I have gotten very far. Heck, I don’t even really have the foggiest clue how to get anywhere! But I have a plot outline which may or may not be the basis of the book, and some characters I am working on, so in my mind, day one of being an author has been a success!

When I proclaimed to my hubby that I wanted to start writing a book, the first thing he offered to do was to build me an office so that I would have a space where I could write uninterrupted. Now, this also translates into me no longer sitting in the bedroom on my computer, hence freeing up the television for whatever shows he decided he wants to watch, so I think it was a win-win, but it was a lot of work for him, and I am thankful that he cares enough about my need to pursue my long buried passion that he was willing to give up his weekend to renovate and paint. I’ll have to remember to mention him in the book credits!

And so, I am off to write and re-write…to labour over characters and plot lines…to pray that in the end, what ends up on the page is a cohesive story that someone, anyone, would want to read. I have read website after website about writing your first book, tips for creating characters that people will love, or love to hate, forming strong plots that have a beginning, middle and end…the tips are endless and although helpful, I think my best bet will be just to start writing and hope to pick things up along the way. They say the best thing you can do when you decide to write a book is to tell as many people as possible so that even on the toughest of days, when ideas just won’t come, you feel the need to push forward knowing that others are waiting to see a finished project – so that’s what I guess I’ve just done. Wish me luck!

I’m having a hard time believing that the weekend is almost over. I guess my research has consumed a lot of time, because I feel like I lost a full day somewhere! I am happy that Wednesday is a holiday in Canada, although a Monday or Friday would have been a little nicer! My favourite parts of Canada Day are the fireworks displays in the area. I am a fireworks fanatic, and can’t help but beam as I watch every one of them explode into beautiful, colourful formations across the sky. I have plans to go to two displays – one on the beach at Port Stanley and the other being London’s largest display in Harris Park. Thankfully one is Tuesday and the other Wednesday. The only thing threatening to foil those plans is Mother Nature who at this point may decide to rain us out both nights. I will be keeping my fingers crossed, and my lawn chairs ready to go! Oh Canada!!

So as the weekend winds down, I sit in my new office, in front of a blank page currently entitled “Book” (don’t worry, it will get better!), wondering where this path will lead me. The plan this evening was to begin writing chapter one, but as I hovered my fingers over the keys, it occurred to me that a blog would be much quicker and easier to write – and indeed it was. So don’t go rushing out to your local bookstore just yet to look for my masterpiece. Something tells me this might take a while!


  1. I look forward to reading your book - just as I have enjoyed reading your blog. You are a great writer Kathy. Good luck!

  2. Kathy...if you put your pen to paper or your fingers to the keyboard it will be a pleasure to read. You have a talent.
